Dear Valued Sponsor,

The Cotati Rohnert Park Project Grad Committee is beginning to plan the Graduation Party for the Senior Class! This celebration is for all graduates from Credo, El Camino, Rancho Cotate, Technology High, and Pathways Charter school. This is a safe, alcohol and drug free environment for our seniors to safely celebrate their accomplishment. This event is planned and ran solely by volunteers and generous donations from individuals and businesses like you!

WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT to make this event possible! Please help us continue the tradition of Project Grad with your donation. We are seeking donations of gift cards, certificates, food, cash, etc. If you would like to make a donation please complete the information below. Our sponsorship packages are as follows:

Want to be an Event Sponsor?
Click Here!

Looking to contribute ($10.00-$100.00)?
Click Here!

Looking to donate items?
Click Here!



Freshman-Senior Recognition items plus:

Logo/Name on Sponsor Banner at Rancho Cotate field for the following academic year.



Freshman-Junior Recognition items plus:

Name in our newspaper Thank You ad.



Freshman-Sophomore Recognition items plus:

Logo/Name on an Individual Thank You post to our social media sites.



Freshman Recognition items plus:

Logo/Name on our Website Sponsor page.



Logo/Name on our Thank You Sponsors email blast.

Donations for recognition deadline is mid-May.

If you'd like to make contribution of a different amount, please email  Thank you!